Here are some of the best and cheesiest Mormon Pick-up lines around. In that location were so many great pick-upwards lines that they had to exist broken down into different categories. Categories include pick-up lines related to: Temples, Scriptures, Scripture References, The Book of Mormon, Heaven, Missions, The Priesthood, The Spirit, Angels, Beauty, Mormon Songs, Ect.

In that location is besides a department below of everyday pick-up lines that are definitely worth mentioning. Enjoy!

Temple ~ LDS Option-Upwards Lines

  1. "What's your favorite temple? I'one thousand looking at mine!"
  2. "A date with me is similar a temple, and you have a recommend."

Scripture ~ LDS Pick-Up Lines

  1. "I was reading the Book of Numbers concluding dark, and I realized I don't accept yours."
  2. "I will treat you how I treat my scriptures. With care and honey."
  3. "Yous are my Pearl of Great Price."

Scripture Reference ~ LDS Pick-Up Lines

  1. "Are you the fe rod? Cause I wanna hold onto yous for the residuum of eternity."
    -ane Nephi8:24 "And it came to pass that I beheld others pressing forward, and they came along and caught concur of the cease of the rod of iron; and they did press forwards through the mist of darkness, clinging to the rod of iron, even until they did come forth and partake of the tree."
  2. "The tree of life chosen. It wants its sweetness back."
    1 Nephi 8: 10-11 "And it came to laissez passer that I beheld a tree whose fruit was desireable to make i happy. And information technology came to pass that I did become along and partake of the fruit thereof; and I beheld that it was most sweet, above all that I e'er earlier tasted."
  3. "You remind me of the fruit in Lehi'southward dream. Y'all are the virtually precious of all."
    1 Nephi: 15:36 "Wherefore, the wicked are rejected from the righteous, and also from that tree of life, whose fruit is nigh precious and almost desireable above all other fruits."
  4. "Are you a Gadiaton robber? Considering you simply stole my centre!"
    Helaman vi:18 "And now behold, those murders and plunderers were a band who had been formed by Kishkumen and Gadianton… And they were called Gadianton'southward robbers and murderers."
  5. "Even with the Liahona, I get lost in your optics."
    Alma 37: 38 "And now my son, I have somewhat to say concerning the thing which our fathers call a  ball, or director–or our fathers called it Liahona, which is, being interpreted, a compass; and the Lord prepared it."
  6. "Is your proper noun virtue? Because you garnish my thoughts unceasingly!"
    Doctrine and Covenants 121: 45 "Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards men, and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly;"
  7. "The 13th Article of Religion requires me to ask you out."
    Commodity of Religion 13 "We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul– We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, nosotros seek after these things."
  8. "I'm no Joseph, just I'g having a hard fourth dimension interpreting the dreams I am having about y'all."
    Genesis 41: 15 "And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I have dreamed a dream, and there is none that can interpret information technology: and I have heard say of thee, that k canst sympathize a dream to interpret information technology."
  9. "I would get out 99 sheep to come find you."
    Matthew 18:12 "How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the xc and 9 , and goeth into the mountains and seeketh that which is gone off-target?"
  10. "Information technology'due south obvious to me that you sprouted from the practiced kind of soil."
    Matthew 13: 3-8 "…a sower went up to sow; and when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fouls came and devoured up: Some brutal upon stony places, where they had not much world: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of world: and when the dominicus was upwardly, they were scorched; and considering they had no root, they withered away. And some roughshod among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them: But other brutal into good ground and brought forth fruit"
  11. "The scriptures say to requite potable to those that are thirsty and to feed the hungry. How well-nigh dinner?"
    Proverbs 25:21 "If thine enemy be hungry, requite him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, requite him water to drink"
  12. "I don't know if you realized this or not, but you lot but broke the eighth commandment. Y'all stole my heart."
    Exodous 20: xv "Thou shalt not steal."
  13. "Are you Laban's sword? Because you are exceedingly fine."
    one Nephi 4: 9 "And I beheld his sword, and I drew it along from the sheath thereof; and the hilt thereof was of pure gold, and the workmanship thereof was exceedingly fine, and I saw that the blade thereof was of the most precious steel"

Book of Mormon ~ LDS Selection-Up Lines

  1. "(While dancing) Yous know, I'm really grateful for Martin Harris. Without him in that location'd be some other 113 pages between us."
  2. "I missed you like the Bible missed the Book of Mormon in the slap-up apostasy."

Heaven ~ LDS Pick-Upwardly Lines

  1. "Not even the veil could make me forget yous."
  2. "They say nosotros can't think anything from the premortal life, just there is no style I could always forget that grinning."
  3. "What are your plans for tonight? How about eternity?"
  4. "For a moment I thought I had died and gone to Heaven. At present I see that I am very much alive and that heaven has been brought to me."

Mission ~ LDS Option-Up Lines

  1. "I just got off my mission and I'm looking for my next companion."

Priesthood ~ LDS Choice-Up Lines

  1. "Wanna hold the priesthood? (Guy holds his artillery out)"

Spirit ~ LDS Pick-Up Lines

  1. "Are you the spirit? Because whenever I call up about you I experience a burning in my bust."
  2. "Tin I be your spirit? I would love to exist with thee withersoever thou goest."

Angels ~ LDS Selection-Up Lines

  1. "I knew I'd feel the spirit at church, but I never idea I'd see an angel."
  2. "Are you an angel? Because whenever I'm around you I strongly experience the spirit."
  3. "Do you mind if I hold your paw? I have always wanted to know what it would exist similar to concur the hand of an angel."
  4. "Am I in the angelic kingdom? Because I know I see an angel right in front of me."

Dazzler ~ LDS Pick-Up Lines

  1. "Modest is hottest. And you are on Fire."
  2. "Have you ever been resurrected before? Because you accept the most perfect torso."
  3. "God was showing off when he fabricated yous."
  4. "You might need to talk to your bishop well-nigh your word of wisdom problem. Because you are SMOKIN'."
  5. "You're beautiful in God's eyes. And in mine too."
  6. "Besides being a cute daughter of God, what else are you majoring in?"

Song ~ LDS Selection-Upwards Lines

  1. "Jesus may desire you for a sunbeam, but I just want yous."
  2. "Is there a fire burning in hither, or is that simply the spirit of God that is radiating from you?"
  3. "I need thee every hour."
  4. "Is your name sunshine? Considering you are in my soul today."

Random ~ LDS Selection-Upward Lines

  1. "Did yous become to EFY? Because I am Eastwardparticularly For You."
  2. "Can yous bring your feelings for me to the church building Thursday night at vii? Because I'm pretty sure it's common."
  3. "How do you spell your name? (respond) NO WAY! That is how it is spelled in my patriarchal blessing."
  4. "Hey girl. Y'all must exist right. Because I choose you." (CTR)
  5. "Would you like to be added to my Family History i day?"
  6. "I'm not really this tall. I'm sitting on my mini pocket scriptures."
  7. "Were you a boy sentinel? Because you lot've got my middle tied in all sorts of knots."
  8. "I think information technology might exist time for us to motion out of the singles' ward… if you know what I mean."


Honey Darling… after much deliberation, and significant consideration, I have half the inclination to make you my relation. So if you'll meet me at the station, with the bishop'due south cooperation, we will form a combination that will increment the population.

More Pick-Upwards Lines

  1. "Do you know what this sweater is made of? Swain material."
  2. "Are there 21 messages in the alphabet? (She / he answers: No. At that place are 26.) Oh my bad. I forgot URAQT."
  3. "I know exactly what your Mr. Correct looks like. I come across him every morning when I look in the mirror."
  4. "I seem to have lost my telephone number. Mind if I have yours?"
  5. "I can't await until tomorrow. Why? Considering somehow y'all get prettier everyday."
  6. "Hershey's makes millions of kisses everyday. I'm merely asking for one."
  7. "Do you have a rough-and-tumble? Considering I scraped my knee falling for you."
  8. "Was that an convulsion, or did you only rock my world?"
  9. "At that place must be something wrong with my eyes. I can't seem to have them off of you lot."
  10. "You lot look a little sad and gloomy. Luckily for yous, I think I know exactly what you lot need. Some vitamin ME."
  11. "I was blinded by your beauty. I'thousand going to need your proper name and number for insurance purposes."
  12. "Is this love at kickoff sight, or do you need me to walk by over again?"
  13. "Last night I was looking at the stars, and for every i I saw I thought of something that I love about y'all… but eventually, I ran out of stars."
  14. "Tin can I infringe your phone? I told my mom I would call her when I constitute the girl of my dreams."
  15. "Is there an airport nearby, or is that just my heart taking off?"
  16. "If you were a tear in my eye, I would never weep for fear of losing you."
  17. "Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears!"
  18. "I'm not a lensman, merely I tin can movie me and you together."
  19. "Are you lot a photographic camera? Considering every time I expect at you, I smile."
  20. "If you were a vegetable you lot'd exist a cute-cumber."
  21. "Practise you have a name or can I just phone call you 'Mine'?"
  22. "Accept you always played soccer? Considering you are a keeper."
  23. "Does your left eye hurt? Considering you lot've been looking correct all solar day."
  24. "I idea happiness started with an H. Why does mine outset with U?"
  25. "Are you a assistant? Because I find you a-peeling"
  26. "I must be a snowflake, because I've fallen for you."
  27. "If I were to ask you out on a date, would your answer be the aforementioned equally the answer to this question?"
  28. "Is your name "swiffer"? 'Crusade you only swept me off my feet."

*Feel complimentary to comment below your favorite LDS/Mormon selection-upwardly lines!

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(Mormon is a nickname many use to refer to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, likewise known equally LDS.)



I had to look until I was sixteen to go along a date, just I would wait until the end of MY days if I could spend one with you.


I was reading the book of Numbers concluding night, and I realized I didn't have yours.


Is this the 2nd Coming? Cause yous're looking perfect.


Ask girl if at that place are xx letters in the alphabet (Girl replies no) Oh I forgot URAQT (That's just 25) Don't worry I'll give you the D afterward!


Wanna hold the priesthood? (Guy holds his artillery out). I love this one.


I'm Mormon and I detect these hilarious!