Error While Exporting Video. Please Check the Settings or Try Again Later

Wondershare Recoverit Authors

"I desire to insert an MP4 file in my presentation, merely whenever I endeavour, I get the error: PowerPoint cannot insert a video from the selected file, verifying that the path and file format are correct. Can someone tell me how to fix this issue?"

While inserting videos in a PowerPoint file, a lot of users run across this unwanted problem. From an unavailable file to a corrupt application, there could exist all kinds of reasons backside this problem.

The proficient news is that this PowerPoint mistake tin can easily exist fixed if yous follow the right arroyo. Read on and get to know how to set up this issue in this PowerPoint cannot insert a video by 7 methods from the selected file troubleshooting guide.

powerpoint cannot insert video error

  • Part 1: Common Reasons for This PowerPoint Issue
  • Function 2: PowerPoint Cannot Insert A Video from the Selected File: Every Possible Gear up
  • Role iii: How to Fix A Decadent Video That You Tin can't Insert in PowerPoint?
  • Role 4: Practiced Tips and Tricks for Managing PowerPoint Files

Common Reasons for This PowerPoint Event

If y'all have got the "PowerPoint cannot insert a video from the selected file (MP4)" error message, and then I would recommend trying to diagnose the trouble first. Ideally, y'all could have also encountered 1 of the post-obit reasons for this PowerPoint outcome.

  • The file that you are trying to insert into your presentation might be missing or moved.
  • The video file could also be corrupted or its meta component might be tampered with.
  • The codec (compressor-decompressor) scheme of the video might non be supported past MS Office.
  • The file format of the video might not be uniform with MS PowerPoint.
  • The awarding (MS PowerPoint) or the file could be corrupted as well.
  • The installed PowerPoint application tin can have some missing plugins needed to insert the video.
  • Whatsoever other software or firmware component tin can also trigger this PowerPoint issue.

Now when you lot know what could have caused the "PowerPoint cannot insert a video from the selected file: verify that the path and file format are correct" error, let's acquire how to fix it.

seven Fixes to "PowerPoint Cannot Insert A Video from the Selected File"

It has been observed that software or logical errors are by and large some mutual reasons backside this PowerPoint upshot. Therefore, if yous have likewise got the PowerPoint cannot insert a video from the selected file error, then follow these suggestions.

Fix 1: Cheque the Video File and Its Path

As the error prompt states, the video file that yous are trying to load might be unavailable or has the wrong path. To fix this, you tin can only get to Explorer on your system and check the path of the video. You can also copy the video and paste it on whatever other secure path (like the default My Videos folder).

windows playing video

Also that, yous tin also play the file with a few applications (past right-clicking information technology) and cheque whether the video loads or not.

Set up two: Convert the Video to WMV Format

This might sound surprising, but a lot of video formats are not supported by PowerPoint. For example, if you have PowerPoint 2010 or 2013, then some MPEG files with fast bit rates won't exist uniform with the application.

The easiest way to fix this PowerPoint cannot insert a video from the selected file issue with MP4 videos is the conversion of the file. You can go to any online tool to convert the video to a supported WMV format. One time the conversion is done, you can save the WMV video, and try to insert information technology into your presentation instead.

video format converter online

Gear up iii: Enable the Media Compatibility Feature in PowerPoint

Mostly, the PowerPoint cannot insert a video from the selected file issue that happens due to a corrupt or unsupported video. Therefore, if you recollect the video yous are trying to insert is non supported, then you tin utilise the Media Compatibility feature of PowerPoint.

Step 1. For this, just launch the PowerPoint application on your system and go to its main Bill of fare > File > Info section.

Step 2. Now, visit the Optimization Compatibility characteristic and just turn it on so that the application will support the inserted media file.

media optimize option powerpoint

Step 3. Later, when you would load your video, the awarding will automatically detect information technology and would attempt to optimize information technology.

powerpoint media optimizing

Ready iv: Use the Windows Media Player Controls in PowerPoint

If even after following these methods, the PowerPoint upshot sustains, and so you can endeavor this approach. By enabling the Developer options in PowerPoint, you lot can embed Windows Media Player controls in the application. Later, you can use them to insert the video instead of its native feature.

Step 1. Firstly, launch PowerPoint on your system and get to its Menu > File > Pick and visit the "Customize" ribbon from here.

Step 2. Now, select "Developer" from the available list and include it in the application.

Step 3. Afterward, you can find a dedicated Developer choice in the toolbar. Visit the section and go to More Tools to enable the Windows Media Player Controls in the application.

Step 4. You will go defended Windows Media Player controls from here that you lot can use to import any video to the presentation.

windows media player controls powerpoint

Fix 5: Update the Installed Drivers on Windows

If information technology has been a while since you have updated the drivers on your arrangement, and so it tin as well crusade video playback issues in certain applications. To update its drivers, yous tin look for "Device Manager" from the search option on the taskbar.

Once the Device Manager application would be launched, go to the "Sound, video, and game controller" option to view the installed drivers. Y'all can right-click whatever driver and choose to update or reset it from here.

update video sound drivers

Fix half dozen: Reset or Repair the Office Awarding

Apart from the video file, there could be an outcome with the installed PowerPoint awarding as well. Therefore, to gear up the PowerPoint cannot insert a video from the selected file, y'all tin can just repair or uninstall the MS Part suite.

For this, you can go to your system's Settings > Apps and select the installed Office application. From here, you can go to it "Advanced Options".

ms office advanced options

Once the Advanced Options window will be launched, y'all can click on the "Repair" or "Reset" choice to set up the application. You can too uninstall the application and can after install it once more.

office app reset and repair

Set 7: Install An Updated Codec Pack for Windows

Lastly, the PowerPoint cannot insert a video from the selected file issue can happen due to a codec fault. It is a compressor-decompressor feature in Windows that is responsible for the encoding of various videos. If the codec pack in your Windows has been outdated, then it can be one of the reasons for this problem.

There are various third-political party codec packs that you tin install on your Windows. Merely visit their website, install the codec pack, and restart your system to check if information technology fixes the trouble or not.

install windows codec pack

How to Fix A Corrupt Video That You lot Can't Insert in PowerPoint?

Past following the to a higher place-listed methods, you can fix the PowerPoint cannot insert a video from the selected file due to software or compatibility issues. Though, this problem tin also arise if yous are trying to work on a corrupt video. To gear up this, you can take the assist of a reliable application like Wondershare Repairit.

It is a professional video repair tool that features Quick and Avant-garde video repair algorithms. The tool tin can go rid of missing fragments, decadent headers, blurry pictures, syncing problems, and several other logical errors. It supports almost every video format and is known for its high repairing results. To fix a corrupt video using Wondershare Repairit Video Repair, yous can follow these steps:

Step 1: Add the Corrupt Video

To start with, y'all can just launch the Wondershare Repairit Video Repair application and elevate-and-driblet the video file on it. You can also click on the add button to locate the corrupt video on your organization.

start video repair

Step 2: Repair Your Videos

Afterward loading the video, you can view its details. At present, just click on the "Repair" push button and allow the application scan the loaded video.

perform quick repair

Simply await for a while for the application to complete the repairing process. One time your videos are repaired, you will be notified.

quick scan completed

Step three: Preview and Save Your Videos

You can now preview the repaired video on the native interface of the awarding and check if it can fix the outcome or not. If y'all are satisfied with the results, and then you tin click on the "Save" button to export the repaired file to any location.

preview repaired video

Step 4: Perform An Advanced Repair (Optional)

In case the quick scan is not able to gear up the video, then it means in that location is a more severe consequence with your file. To set up it, you can click on the "Advanced Repair" option adjacent to the video details. While the advanced repair will have more time, the results would also be superior.

advanced video repair

To perform an avant-garde repair, you first need to load a sample video. The sample video must exist of the same format every bit the corrupt file and shot on the same device. The application will consider this as a baseline while fixing your corrupt video.

Function 4: Adept Tips and Tricks for Managing PowerPoint Files

With these suggestions, y'all would be able to ready the "PowerPoint cannot insert a video from the selected file" consequence. Though, if you don't want to encounter an issue similar this and manage your presentations better, then consider following these tips.

Tip i: Update Your Software

Most of the time, an issue like this takes place when we utilize an old or outdated version of MS Part. Therefore, you lot should make a addiction of using an updated version of MS Function instead. You lot can merely launch any MS Office application and get to its File > Help or Account characteristic to check for updates and upgrade the awarding.

ms office check for updates

Tip two: Keep A Copy of Your Data

Whether it is your presentation or the video that you wish to embed on the file, make certain that you have its copy. In this way, if the original file has been corrupted, you can easily recover your information from its second copy.

Tip three: Consider Embedding An Online Video

Autonomously from loading a video from your system's local storage, y'all tin also link an online video to your presentation. Under the Video section in the toolbar, you tin choose to link an online video. Here, you need to paste the embedding code for the video and just demand a stable internet connection while presenting to play the file.

powerpoint online video

Tip 4: Movement Beyond PowerPoint

If you are facing consequent issues with the desktop application of MS PowerPoint, and so you tin can try to use the complimentary Office online tool instead. Besides that, there are some other alternatives like Google Slides, Keynote, Open Office, or Libre Office that you lot can farther explore.

That's a wrap, folks! After reading this guide, you would be able to fix an outcome like "PowerPoint cannot insert a video from the selected file: verify that the path and file format are correct". I accept come upwardly with common causes and tips to prepare any logical or compatibility outcome triggering this error. You lot tin can effort either of these solutions and if your file has been corrupted, so merely utilize Wondershare Repairit Video Repair to fix it.


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